Jade Dental Lab Offers the Finest
In Restorative Products & Services
We utilize the latest materials and techniques to ensure the best outcome for you and your patient.
We are Implant Specialists
We carry a wide array of dental implants from the most requested major brands which will provide an excellent outcome for your patients. We accept Intraoral Scans from all Digital Impression Systems and are expertly qualified to assist clinicians who utilize them.
Products & Services
Bruxur - Anterior/Posterior Crowns & Posterior Bridges
Layered Zirconia - Anterior/Posterior Crowns & Bridges
Lithium DiSi - Anterior/Posterior Crowns & Veneers
Lithium DiSi or Bruxur - Inlay/Onlay
NP Porcelain - Crown
SP Porcelain - Crown (Silver & Paladium) includes I dwt. of metal
PG Porcelain - Crown (42% Au) includes I dwt. of metal
Porcelain - Bridge
Full Cast - Crowns includes 2 dwt. of metal
YN Yellow Noble Gold - Crown
YHN Yellow High Noble - Gold Crown
Gold - Inlay or Onlay
Post & Core Direct
Post & Core Indirect
Epoxy Model
Digital Model - Quadrant, Full Arch
Diagnostic Wax-Ups
Duplicate Models in White Ortho Stone
Model Pink Tissue Area - Quadrant
Implant Temporary
Implant Screw Retained Temporary
Fixed Profile Bridge
What has caused the resurgence of the fixed detachable restoration?
Implant Restorations
Crown, Abutment, Model
Bruxur Crown on Abutment
Lithium Di/Si Crown on Abutment
Screw-Retained Zirconia Crown
Screw-Retained SP Crown includes I dwt. of metal
Procera Titanium Custom Abutment
Procera Zirconia Custom Abutment
Inclusive Titanium Custom Abutment
Custom Zirconia Abutment
Titanium Abutment Stock
Implant Model
Special Articulation
Profile Temporary Bridge
Final Profile Bridge
Implant Milled Bars
We offer genuine manufactured abutments including Nobel Biocare, Astra, BioHorizons, Biomet, Inclusive, Straumann, and Zimmer. Any "OEM" designation used on an invoice refers to an original manufactured part.

One Answer: Placing posterior implants at a 17 to 30 degree angle allows for several advantages.
Using tilted posterior implants
- Provides a longer implant for support
- Enables fewer well-spread implants in the mandible or the maxilla
- Reduces the cost factor
- Avoids sinus grafting
- Avoids interference with the lower mandibular foramen
- Gives optimal prosthetic tooth support
- Provides more teeth on the restoration